Summarising Survival Regression Models Using the Bootstrap
Summaries for Cox proportional hazards and accelerated failure time models, using the bootstrap for p-values and confidence intervals.
type = "perc",
sim = "ordinary",
strata = NULL,
coef = "exp",
conf.level = 0.95,
R = 999,
pval_precision = NULL,
adjust.method = "none",
- model
An object fitted using "survival::coxph", "survival::survreg", or "rms::psm".
- type
A vector of character strings representing the type of interval to base the test on. The value should be one of "norm", "basic", and "perc" (the default).
- sim
The method used for bootstrapping. See
for details. Currently only "ordinary" (case resampling) is supported.- strata
The strata used in the calls to
It can be a vector or a matrix with 2 columns. If it is a vector then it is assumed to be the strata for the survival distribution, and the censoring distribution is assumed to be the same for all observations. If it is a matrix then the first column is the strata for the survival distribution and the second is the strata for the censoring distribution. Whensim = "ordinary"
, only one set of strata is used to stratify the observations. This is taken to be the first column ofstrata
when it is a matrix.- coef
A string specifying whether to use exponentiated coefficients in the summary table. Either "exp" (for exponentiated coefficients, i.e. hazard ratios in the case of a Cox PH model) or "raw" (for coefficients on their original scale). The default is "exp".
- conf.level
The confidence level for the confidence intervals. The default is 0.95.
- R
The number of bootstrap replicates. The default is 999.
- pval_precision
The desired precision for the p-value. The default is 1/R.
- adjust.method
Adjustment of p-values for multiple comparisons using
. The default is "none", in which case the p-values aren't adjusted. The other options are "holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", and "fdr"; see?p.adjust
for details on these methods.- ...
Additional arguments passed to
, such asparallel
for parallel computations. See?boot::censboot
for details.
A data frame containing coefficient estimates, bootstrap confidence intervals, and bootstrap p-values.
p-values can be computed by inverting the corresponding confidence intervals, as described in Section 14.2 of Thulin (2024) and Section 3.12 in Hall (1992). This function computes p-values in this way from "coxph" or "survreg" objects. The approach relies on the fact that:
the p-value of the two-sided test for the parameter theta is the smallest alpha such that theta is not contained in the corresponding 1-alpha confidence interval,
for a test of the parameter theta with significance level alpha, the set of values of theta that aren't rejected by the two-sided test (when used as the null hypothesis) is a 1-alpha confidence interval for theta.
#> Attaching package: ‘survival’
#> The following object is masked from ‘package:boot’:
#> aml
# Weibull AFT model:
# Note that model = TRUE is required for use with censboot_summary:
model <- survreg(formula = Surv(time, status) ~ age + sex, data = lung,
dist = "weibull", model = TRUE)
censboot_summary(model, R = 99)
#> Using exponentiated coefficients.
#> Estimate Lower.bound Upper.bound p.value
#> (Intercept) 531.0483429 185.4615956 1309.466858 <0.01
#> age 0.9878178 0.9746921 1.002980 0.17
#> sex 1.4653368 1.1832707 1.913004 <0.01
# (Values for R greater than 99 are recommended for most applications.)
# Cox PH model:
model <- coxph(formula = Surv(time, status) ~ age + sex, data = lung,
model = TRUE)
# Table with hazard ratios:
censboot_summary(model, R = 99)
#> Using exponentiated coefficients.
#> Estimate Lower.bound Upper.bound p.value
#> age 1.017191 0.9986972 1.0382557 0.08
#> sex 0.598566 0.4022327 0.8631437 <0.01
censboot_summary(model, coef = "raw", R = 99)
#> Using raw coefficients.
#> Estimate Lower.bound Upper.bound p.value
#> age 0.01704533 0.001207305 0.03921424 <0.01
#> sex -0.51321852 -0.946193565 -0.24131217 <0.01